On this site you will find info and pictures on the obscure
J.R.R. Tolkien: The Lord of the Rings comic book series.
You are visitor number .
(since 2005-08-26).
The three "The Lord of the Rings" comic book albums were somewhat based on the Ralph Bakshi movie,
"The Lord of the Rings" (1978),
though that actually isn't mentioned anywhere, there are many similarities in the style.
(Generally the albums have a look and feel of their own.)
The comics were released in Finland in 1979, 1980 and 1981.
Each is 48 pages long.
They were also published at least in Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Germany,
Denmark and Sweden,
and most probably in many more places (seemingly only in Europe).
In US there were some copyright issues and these comics didn't get published there.
(And to best of my knowledge these are not available in English language.)
The sketcher is spanish artist Luis Bermejo (whole name: Luis Rojo Bermejo, b. 1931 in Madrid)
and the cover arts are also painted by him.
The first and second album cover the first book of "The Lord of the Rings:
The Fellowship of the Ring" (1954, J.R.R. Tolkien).
The third, being the last comic, ends about in the middle of
"The Two Towers" (1954), like the Bakshi movie though in a bit different section.
From personal experience, here in Finland part 1 is the rarest and it is
usually available only with parts 2 and 3 at the same time.
Part 2 seems to be most common, but you don't see any of these that often.
Part 3 may be a bit rarer than part 2.
These are one of my favorite comic books and their art is fantastic.
Unfortunately enough, there wasn't continuation for these comic albums.
And to double the harm, I've heard that there will NOT be a new comic book adaption of the
fantasy epic based on the Peter Jackson's trilogy,
due to denied license.
If you have any new information regarding this, I'd appreciate
having e-mail from you.
However there are funny MAD Magazine spoofs on The Fellowship of the Ring
("Bored of the Rings")
and The Two Towers ("The Two+ Hours" :).
The Return of the King -parody is probably on its way.
The Bakshi movie had a musical parody in MAD Magazine too in 1978 or 1979.
Please offer that MAD magazine also to me.
These Bermejo albums are the only official comics based on
The Lord of the Rings and licensed by Tolkien Enterprises.
There is also a comic adaptation of The Hobbit in three albums
(The Hobbit, 1989-90, artist: David Wenzel,
adapting: Charles Dixon. Also available in one volume).
It's still widely available. Its style is very different to these albums.
Any (even tiny) information, corrections, addings and especially cover pictures
are very welcome to this page.
I'm also interested in buying/trading any languaged versions of these comics.
Contact me for offers.
I have all the finnish albums (1, 2 and 3) for trade at the moment
(it's the art that counts anyways if you don't understand Finnish :).
I would also like to get more cover pictures of these albums all over the world, so
if you have any scans please mail me, thanks.
I'd appreciate both front and back pictures.


Finnish album title | Year |
Orig. Price | Publisher |
Taru sormusten herrasta, osa 1: Matka haltijoiden maahan |
1979 | 9,75 FIM | Lehtimiehet Oy
Taru sormusten herrasta, osa 2: Morian kaivosten kauhut |
1980 | 9,75 FIM | " |
Taru sormusten herrasta, osa 3 |
1981 | 12,50 FIM | " |
| | | |
Swedish album title | Year |
Orig. Price | Publisher |
Sagan om Ringen, del 1 |
1979 | ? | ?
Sagan om Ringen, del 2 |
1980 | ? | " |
Sagan om Ringen, del 3 |
1981 | ? | " |
| | | |
German album title | Year |
Orig. Price | Publisher |
Der Herr Der Ringe, Band 1 |
1980 | 4,50 DM | Ehapa Verlag GmbH - Stuttgart |
Der Herr Der Ringe, Band 2: In den Minen von Moria |
1980 | 4,50 DM | " |
Der Herr Der Ringe, Band 3: Im Lande Mordor |
1980 | 4,50 DM | " |
| | | |
Dutch album title | Year |
Orig. Price | Publisher |
In de ban van de Ring, deel I |
1979 | ? | Egmont Ehapa Verlag Semic Juniorpress |
In de ban van de Ring, deel II |
1979 | ? | " |
In de ban van de Ring, deel III |
1980 | ? | " |
| | | |
Italian album title | Year |
Orig. Price | Publisher |
Il Signore degli Anelli |
19?? | ? | Rizzoli editore, Milano |
Il Signore degli Anelli: Secondo episodio |
19?? | ? | " |
Il Signore degli Anelli: Terzo episodio |
19?? | ? | " |
| | | |
Spanish album title | Year |
Orig. Price | Publisher |
El Señor de los Anillos |
19?? | ? | Toutain/Editor |
El Señor de los Anillos: II Parte |
19?? | ? | " |
El Señor de los Anillos: III Parte |
19?? | ? | " |
| | | |
Translations of the subtitles in english: |
| |
"Part 1: Journey to the Land of Elves" |
| |
"Part 2: Horrors of the Mines of Moria" / "In the Mines of Moria" |
| |
"Part 3: In the Land of Mordor"
| |
Thanks to:
- Werner Mueller for the scans of the German album covers
- Edwin Dreef for the Dutch album covers
- Marzio Lettich for the Italian album covers
Osa 1: Matka Haltijoiden maahan
"J.R.R. Tolkienin romaanisarja Taru sormusten herrasta
on aikamme kirjallisuuden erikoisimpia, luetuimpia ja rakastetuimpia
kertomuksia. Sen parissa viihtyy niin lapsi kuin aikuinenkin.
Se avaa lukijalleen uudenlaisen, tarunhohteisen maailman, muinaisen
Keski-Maan, vanhaan kansanperinteeseen liittyvine asukkaineen:
haltioineen, velhoineen kääpiöineen ja peikkoineen.
Nyt teos ilmestyy ensi kertaa sarjakuvan muodossa - jännittävänä,
värikkäänä kuvauksena, jossa Tolkienin satumaailma avautuu
suurenmoisessa loistossaan.
Tässä albumissa alkaa Frodon, ystävällisen ja iloisen pikku hobitin seikkailu Sormuksenkantajana, jonka pienissä käsissä on
koko Keski-Maan kohtalo. Lähde hänen ja hänen kumppaniensa Pippinin,
Samin, Merrin, Konkarin, haltia glorfindelin sekä salaperäisen
Gandalf-velhon kanssa Synkmetsään, Sumuvuorille, Rautapihaan,
Anduinin virralle, ja pakene henkesi edestä Mustia Ratsastajia.
Tätä seikkailua et unohda koskaan!"
Osa 2: Morian kaivosten kauhut
"Tässä kolmiosaisen albumisarjan toisessa osassa jatkuu Sormuksenkantaja
Frodon päätähuimaava, satumaisen jännittävä matka. Se alkoi Frodon
kotiseudulta Konnusta velho Gandalfin saatua selville, että Frodon
perimä sormus olikin mahtavin kaikista Mustan Ruhtinaan takomista sormuksista.
Se oli Sormusten Sormus, joka hallitsi kaikkia muita.
Pelastaakseen rakkaan kotiseutunsa Mustan Ruhtinaan vihalta, pikku hobbitti Frodo päätti lähteä sormuksineen matkaan kohti Mordorin Tuomiovuorta, jonka liekit ainoastaan pystyisivät tuhoamaan Sormuksen.
Lähde seuraamaan iloisen pikku hobitin ja hänen ystäviensä
matkaa haltioiden maasta kauhistuttavan synkeisiin Morian kaivoksiin, jonne kukaan elävä olento ei uskalla jalallaan astua."
Osa 3
"Tässä albumisarjan kolmannessa osassa jatkuu Sormuksenkantaja Frodon huikaisevan jännittävä matka kohti pelottavaa Mordorin Tuomiovuorta. Uljas Boromir saa maksaa raskaasti erehdyksestään. Merri ja Pippin joutuvat raakalaismaisten örkkien vangeiksi. Kavala Klonkku lyöttäytyy yhteen Frodon ja Samin kanssa ainoana ajatuksenaan kaapata haltuunsa Aarteen, mahtavimman kaikista valtasormuksista, jota Frodo mukanansa kantaa."
Lähde mukaan seuraamaan tarumaisen jännittäviä
taisteluja ja Sormuksenkantaja Frodon epätoivoisen vaarallista matkaa
Mustan Ruhtinaan valtakunnassa."
