BONUS MUSICAL PIECE: Here's my own inspired take / tribute to the Conquests of Camelot and its theme by Mark Seibert. The main theme is from the Opening Sequence, but many elements are my own takes and arrangments, like the B-part. I call it "March of the Seasons (Inspired by Conquests of Camelot(TM) Opening Sequence by Mark Seibert)" (from my album Fallbringer): (due to my very limited web space its 22 kHz) BONUS MUSIIKKIKAPPALE: Tässä inspiroitu versioni / kunnianosoitus Conquests of Camelotille ja sen teemalle, jonka alunperin sävelsi Mark Seibert. Pääteema on avauskohtauksesta, mutta monet elementit ovat omia otteitani ja sovituksiani, kuten B-osa. Sen nimi on "March of the Seasons (Inspired by Conquests of Camelot(TM) Opening Sequence by Mark Seibert)" (albumiltani Fallbringer): (erittäin rajoitetun webbitilani vuoksi MP3 on tässä 22 kHz) |