Chronicles of Osgorth: The Shattered Alliance (Large Box, Apple Version) (1981) (Apple ][) (NIB)
Chronicles of Osgorth: The Shattered Alliance (Large Box, Atari Version) (1981) (Atari 800) (CIB)
Chronicles of Osgorth: The Shattered Alliance (Large Box, Atari Version) (1981) (Atari 800)
(manual + floppy + 2*command cards + player card + combat card) ^box is missing
Questron (Large Box) (1983) (Apple ][) (CIB)
Questron (Normal Box) (198?) (Atari 40K) (B) ^manual is missing
Questron II (1988) (Amiga) (CIB)
Gemstone Warrior (1984) (Atari ?) (NIB)
Gemstone Warrior (1984) (Commodore 64, 5.25") (SW)
Gemstone Healer (1986) (Commodore 64, 5.25") (NIB)
Phantasie (1985) (Apple ][) (CIB)
Phantasie II (1987) (Apple ][) (B) ^manual is missing
Phantasie II (1986) (Commodore 64, 5.25") (CIB)
Phantasie III: The Wrath of Nikademus (1987) (Apple ][) (CIB)
Wizard's Crown (1986) (Apple ][) (CIB)
Wizard's Crown (1987) (PC, 5.25") (CIB) (Manual variation)
The Eternal Dagger - A Wizard's Crown Adventure (1987) (Atari, 48K) (CIB)
Rings of Zilfin (1986) (Commodore 64, 5.25") (CIB)
Rings of Zilfin (1987) (Atari ST, 3.5") (Alternative Two-piece Box, Different Screenshots at Back) (SW)
Realms of Darkness (1987) (Commodore 64, 5.25") (CIB)
Shard of Spring (1986) (Commodore 64, 5.25") (CIB)
Demon's Winter (1988) (Atari ST) (SW)
Sword of Aragon (1989) (Two-piece Box) (PC, 5.25") (CIB) (Includes poster)
Sword of Aragon (1989) (Amiga) (L) (1*disk only)

Prophecy of the Shadow (1992) (PC, 3.5") (CIB)
Veil of Darkness (1993) (PC, 3.5") (CIB)